Two-Factor Authentication (OTP)

תוכן העניינים

This module enables connection to the system through two-factor authentication (OTP) through SMS.

When using this module, the user will be asked to enter a verification code when logging into the system. The code will be sent to their mobile phone as an SMS.


  • For this module to work correctly, the entry in the Privacy & Security—General Settings tab under the List of IP addresses authorized for the Agent Workspace must be set to one or more IP addresses.
  • Make sure that for all users, a phone number is set in the user’s table (Settings → on the right side select Users)
  • Ensure that users (not admin users) who require remote access (outside of the authorized IP addresses) will be allowed to do so as part of their capabilities.

How to Activate Two-Factor Authentication?


General Settings

Click on the module:

In the lower part, open the scroll down to define the Two Factor mode:

Off – the module is not activated. Admins will never receive OTP requests when set to this status.

Remote Only – In the case of the administrator logging in from an unauthorized IP address (i.e., not listed in the authorized IP address list).

On – Every user logging in to the system (regardless if it’s an administrator or a regular agent) will be required to pass the two-factor authentication process before system access is granted.

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