Auto Assignment

תוכן העניינים

What is an Automatic Assignment?

CommBox’s Auto-Assignment module streamlines the management of customer conversations by automatically distributing conversations to appropriate agents.

This distribution is based on several factors, including:

1. Agents’ availability status
2. Conversation type
3. Current workload of agents
4. Priority level of the conversation

Auto Assignment Advantages

The assignment routing ensures that each conversation is handled by the most suitable agent, improving response times and overall customer service quality.

The Auto-Assignment module helps balance workloads across the team, leading to more efficient operations and increased productivity.

Note that inbox filtering will be on the “Assigned to me” tab for centers working with automatic assignment. If there is no automatic assignment, the agent must choose the “Open conversations” filter.

Assigning Conversations to Agents

You can manually assign conversations to different team members for handling.
When assigning conversations, the agents will receive notifications via email or desktop.

Assigning Multiple Conversations

If you want to assign many conversations to one agent, you can assign them all at once using the toolbar in the inbox (instead of assigning each conversation separately):

To select a conversation for assignment, hover over a conversation from the conversation list and click on the checkbox below the module icon.


For further instructions, click the Auto Assignment user guide.

Write to us if you have any comments: [email protected]

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