Agent Dashboard

תוכן העניינים

The CommBox platform contributes to work efficiency, allows transparency in KPIs, and helps you achieve them. To this end, the system displays the daily performance of the agents.

Daily Accomplishment Indicators

The dashboard shows:

  • Daily statistics
  • Average satisfaction survey scores
  • Average time to resolve a conversation
  • Total number of conversations resolved
  • Productivity metrics (KPIs)


Toggle to display the agent’s daily statistics next to the Personal Settings menu. The top corner of the agent’s conversation board includes personalized data about the daily agent’s performance:


How Is the Agent’s Daily Performance Calculated?

Total number of conversations resolved is the total conversations in “resolved” status each time the agent moves a conversation to “resolved”.

Average closures per hour
is the time associated with “resolved” divided by the total conversations moved to “resolved” for the first time.

In the productivity metrics, the default metric is based on the conversations that were resolved during all statuses in the active and busy categories.

The productivity metric will be calculated according to the total conversations assigned to the agent and moved to “resolved” status divided by the agent’s time in active or busy status.

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